Friday, August 16, 2019

He Said That? Pt. 7 (Forcing "Unity" with Fear and Intimidation)

In a recent message (Body Building Part 1 3-17-19) at Calvary Temple, Star Scott reprimands his followers concerning gossip and strife in the church. It seems many have been running wild with criticizing and accusing one another. He instructs them that it is their own pride that causes them to attack one another and act as though they can police one another.

Listen to his own words as he takes on the persona of the average congregant:

Why can’t I keep my mouth shut? What is it that compels me? Pride, self will, haughtiness, that thinks it’s the end of all truth, that we have to police others, judge others. The scripture tells us if we are going to endeavor to keep this unity, we’re gonna have to come to understand clearly and put a guard over our lips.....

Scott continues...

but we’re gonna have to understand clearly what’s being spoken of here when it talks about Him having placed gifts in our midst, that will see to it that this unity manifests itself, policemen if you please, teachers, prophets, pastors, evangelists, apostles, that are in our midst to remind us of the necessity of harmony and unity.

In order to keep unity, Scott informs the people that the pastors can do exactly what he tells them they cannot do - police one another and judge one another. Among the members of the congregation, policing and judging one another is pride, self-will, and haughtiness. Among the pastors, policing the people is THEIR JOB. As a matter of fact, take note that Scott includes the title of policemen within the list of the "five fold ministry gifts."

Scott recently advised his congregation "You know usually, when we ask a question like that, we try to be like as smart as the lawyers, I’m gonna help some of you, if you ever have done anything wrong and you’re in a meeting with us and we ask you a question, we already know the answer. We don’t ask questions we don’t know the answers to. We're trying to see if you're going to confess." 

...just that one statement - "and you're in a meeting with us and we ask you a question, we already know the answer" - reeks of a man full of his own self-importance, pride, arrogance and disdain for the very people he is supposed to be serving.

So, keeping the "unity" in Calvary Temple appears to require the following:
  1. The pastors are like policemen. But 1 Peter 5:3 speaks of the leaders "not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock." 
  2. The pastors are all knowing - when you are called in to a meeting they already know the answers to their questions. How do they know what someone has done? Are they spying on you? But scripture says: 1Kings 8:39 You alone [God] know the hearts of all the sons of men. 
  3. Because they already know the answers to all their questions, the pastors do not need to engage in dialog with you, they are just "trying to see if you will confess".  But John 7:51 says "Does our law condemn a man without first hearing him to find out what he has been doing?" Proverbs 18:13 He who answers a matter before he hears it--this is folly and disgrace to him.
  4. Calvary Temple pastors are like lawyers. Scott does not say they try to be as upstanding, honest, and fair-minded as lawyers. No, the implication is they are as calculating, devious, and shrewd as lawyers. "as smart as lawyers".  "We already know the answer...."  We're trying to see if you're going to confess."  
It is a losing proposition to have a meeting with the pastors. (or anyone in leadership). When you walk in you must be ready to be treated like a disobedient child - not speaking a word - admitting your so-called guilt - and leave with your head hung down in shame and remorse.

The bottom line is the pastors have all knowledge and complete control over your lives. If they say come in for a meeting, you are too afraid to say no and even too afraid to defend yourself. You are already judged guilty. The message is always the same - they are in charge, you are to submit. They hold all the power; you are insignificant, irrelevant, and most definitely guilty.

Galatians 2:4 This issue arose because some false brothers had come in under false pretenses to spy on our freedom in Christ Jesus, in order to enslave us.

Calvary Temple, you have been enslaved. 

Jer 23:11    An appalling and horrible thing has happened....the prophets prophesy falsely, and rule on their own authority, and my people love it so!

Star Scott has systematically stripped Calvary Temple members the ability and blessing of hearing from God for themselves and their families. He has placed himself as the one to hear from God, and like Moses, come down from the mountain and speak to the people. And the people are expected to consider it the word of the Lord and obey Scott's directives.

But God has something different for the believer in Jesus Christ. He expects us to seek God daily for His provision, to know the word of God for ourselves, and to be led by His Holy Spirit. The role of the 5 fold ministry is to equip the saints, not lord it over them.  Adult men are priests of their own households, women are helpmeets to their own husbands. Children are under the care and admonition of their own parents.

Men and women of Calvary Temple, stop giving control of your lives and households to the leadership. Stop being treated like children that are too "stupid to come out of the rain". (Yes, Star Scott has said that about you.) Star Scott is not a policeman, he is not a lawyer, he is not Moses, he is not the High Priest, he is not the Holy Spirit, he is not your God. And sadly, he is not your pastor.

Matthew 7:15   Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Thursday, August 8, 2019


Calvary Temple is holding their summer car show Saturday, August 17th. I realize many members of the community attend the show, believing that because they are not being charged admission, it is a day of entertainment that costs nothing. But sadly, the cost to many of your fellow citizens has been very high. Families have been divided and even destroyed by the harmful policies of Calvary Temple. Children have suffered at the hands of leadership and members. The Loudoun County Sheriff's department continues to investigate Calvary Temple, including accusations of child sexual abuse. Please, do not support Calvary Temple with your attendance at any of their functions. And please never attend their church - the cost will be far more than you can imagine. 

Monday, July 8, 2019


Mensaje de advertencia para las comunidades de Sterling y las áreas circundantes 8 de julio de 2019

El Culto del Templo del Calvario, ubicado en Sterling, VA, organiza cinco campamentos de deportes  “gratis” cada año durante un período de dos semanas. Se promocionan a sí mismos como “cristianos”, sin embargo, su líder, Star Robert Scott y otros miembros están actualmente bajo una investigación activa de más de cuatro años por la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Loudoun por las denuncias de ABUSO SEXUAL DE NIÑOS.

El 25 de junio de 2018, otro artículo completo fue publicado en línea por The Washington Post, exponiendo y describiendo aún más el abuso y la destrucción graves a personas, niños y familias llevados a cabo, ordenados o cometidos por Bob Scott y muchos otros. en este lugar.

(Ver The Exiles: ex miembros dicen que el Templo del Calvario en Virginia presiona a las personas para desterrar a sus seres queridos. ¿Qué sucede con los que se van?)

El ex diácono y actual miembro de CT Kevin O’Conner fue arrestado por abuso sexual infantil de un menor y será juzgado en enero de 2020.

Hemos estado hablando con la esperanza de hacer que el área metropolitana de Washington DC, en particular las comunidades de Sterling / Ashburn, conozcan el Templo Calvary. Una simple búsqueda en Google proporciona mucha información con respecto al liderazgo de CT y la destrucción y abuso de miembros de unidades familiares enteras.

Por favor, por favor, por favor, no asistan a estos campamentos. Si bien es “gratis”, el costo para usted y sus hijos es astronómico. Por favor mantenga a su familia segura.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Warning to Sterling and Surrounding Communities

Guest Post

Reprinted with permission from  MyCalvaryTempleTacticsBlog

Spring 2019: Warning to Sterling, VA and the Surrounding Communities About Calvary Temple

I am using last year’s warning, but I am adding an update – Since this warning was issued in 2018, the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) has arrested and arraigned Calvary Temple member and former deacon Kevin O’Conner, who will stand trial at the end of this month for six counts of sexual abuse with a minor.
I do not want this to happen to your child or to your children. I do not want your family destroyed. Please, please, please – stay FAR AWAY from Calvary Temple:
For over ten years now, my fellow standers and I have been warning anyone and everyone about Calvary Temple. Four years ago was our first active protest. We protested their “free” Kids Easter event. We protested their car shows. We protested their “free” sports and cheer camps that summer. Each Sunday we stood across the street and protested for a year.
While we are no longer physically standing out in all weather holding signs, we continue to warn. We continue to speak out. We continue to hope and pray that no unsuspecting person will venture into that place thinking that it is a safe haven for families. It is not.
Please, as the below warning states – do a simple Google search. Read the countless articles, personal accounts and testimonies, news articles.
I woke up [again] this morning thinking, “How are thousands of people wrong?”
We aren’t.
Remember, “free” is never really free. If you choose to enter onto the grounds of Calvary Temple, there is a price to pay.
“Calvary Temple in Sterling, VA is a dangerous place for families. Please stay away. It is currently under investigation by the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office for allegations of child sexual abuse. Just do a Google search and please warn others. Numerous families have suffered by attending this place.”

Sunday, April 7, 2019

He Said That? Part 6 (Parental Guidance Suggested)

As mentioned in the previous post, Star Scott has said some peculiar things in recent days. It seems clear that he himself does not recognize the inappropriateness of his own thought process and subsequent messages to his church.

There has always been a pattern of Scott speaking unseemly and unbiblical comments. Perhaps those inside Calvary Temple have become immune to his tasteless illustrations, but I remember being unsettled (to say the least) by the personal stories of his own sex life. I was not alone, many were very upset at his description of his daily sex life. (and even more so when he spoke directly to the youth and young adults). And how many times did we hear of the near naked girl in coveralls in a room with 2 people fornicating on a mattress behind him? It always sounded more like fascination on his part.

So once again, Star Scott reveals his own inner thought process during a recent meeting. Scott attempted to dissuade his congregants from their apparent widespread and destructive habit of gossiping about one another. Apparently, there is strife, infighting, discord, and all manner of dissension throughout the congregation.

In order to convey the seriousness of the gossiping taking place within the church, Scott does not turn to scripture (of which there are many) to encourage his congregation toward righteousness and away from gossip and strife. No, he apparently has a better way. He uses an illustration of his own devising to portray the seriousness of gossip.

"How about following a worship service, turning on an x rated pornographic film in the back corner over there and practice some fornication in the auditorium and yet we’ll gossip in the auditorium."

Please keep in mind that there are children present in these meetings. And we know from previous messages, there are many men with a pornography addiction in the church. I would assume that as you read Scott's admonition, you had a clear image of what he imagined in his own mind. And so did the children. And everyone else.

One of the warning signs of a potentially sexually abusive pastor is listed here:

"[The]pastor may begin making inappropriate comments (sensual, suggestive, questionable, etc.) during the sermon, Bible study, etc."

Take heed, Calvary Temple. It is common knowledge that your pastor was accused of sexual child abuse when a youth pastor, and has been implicated in abusive situations, as well as the covering up of other abuses. Members of CT can name multiple examples of rumors or outright knowledge of sexual (or other forms of) abuse. When the pastor himself is using sexual illustrations, you should sit up and take notice. And then run. Especially if you have children. 

Please read the following and decide if any (or all) apply to your situation.

Are You Covering for an Abusive Pastor? by Denah Michelle Moon

From the July 2011 edition of HopeSpeak)

Signs you may be covering for a pastor who abuses the flock spiritually:

  1. You've noticed a pattern of people leaving the fellowship, but you hesitate to ask your pastor about it and don't like to delve into the reasons behind the exits.
  2. You've seen your pastor act in retribution for slights or criticism by removing people from ministries, publicly or privately shaming them or refusing to listen to them.
  3. You excuse your pastor's wrong behavior: He's young (or he's old), he doesn't understand the people who are unhappy, he has a little trouble relating to people, he'll grow out of it, I'm probably not seeing the whole picture, God will show him his weaknesses and he'll handle things better soon, no pastor is perfect in every way, he's such a good preacher that we can overlook the other parts of his calling.
  4. You find yourself blaming victims. You justify harsh behavior by your pastor by focusing on the sins or weaknesses of those who are shamed or shunned or criticized or punished.
  5. You feel that to protect the name of Christ in your community you need to keep secret the alarming behavior by your pastor or leaders in the church.
  6. You feel it's your duty to think the best of your pastor, no matter what charges are brought against him (but you don't extend the same courtesy to those who feel they've been abused or harmed).
  7. You feel it's okay for your pastor to build up your church by criticizing other churches with "inferior" doctrines or practices, but it's not okay for anyone to question decisions by church leaders if it looks like criticism.
  8. You enjoy being flattered by your pastor and seek to please him often. You spend a lot of time in church flattering and seeking approval from your pastor.
  9. You are frequently in fear of being criticized by your pastor or having your ministry in the church taken away.
  10. You've seen your pastor flatter those he can use and then later turn on them or ignore them.
  11. You would feel uncomfortable asking to see financial records of the church, and you are willing to just assume that they are being used in a godly manner.
  12. You feel constant pressure to help more in church or to give more, or both.
  13. Going to church often seems like a burden, but you don't want anyone to know you feel that way.
  14. You have criticized other churches or individuals with your pastor.
  15. You like the feeling of being in the "inner circle," and you sometimes feel you have the pastor's confidence in a way no one else does.
  16. You often feel a little bit superior to Christians who don't witness as much as you, or who don't practice their faith as well as you, or who don't emphasize certain doctrines as much as you do.
  17. You feel that no one quite understands the scriptures, delivers sermons or reaches out to the weak and poor like your pastor does.
  18. You spend much time defending your pastor, either in your own mind or to others.
  19. You don't like to admit it, but you often spend more time thinking about your pastor or leaders than you do about God (whether positively, negatively or both).
  20. You are exhausted.

If many of these items speak to you, it might be a good idea to evaluate what your role in your church really is. Are you providing a constant stream of "narcissistic supply" for your pastor? Is your main role to make him look good? Do you equate making him look good with powerful ministry in your community? You can serve many years believing you are doing good in your church by covering spiritual abuse for your leader, while really doing great harm. Check out the signs of spiritual abuse. If they look familiar, and you feel you may have had a hand in perpetuating it, all is not lost.

You can recognize the harm and turn from it, even if it's been a long time coming.

* This article refers not only to clergy sexual abuse, but to abuse of power in other ways, such as financial, spiritual, emotional, etc.*

used by permission of Denah Michelle Moon

Once again, Calvary Temple, you are being warned. Please research signs of an abusive church, an authoritarian church, a toxic church, etc. You will be shocked at how Calvary Temple of Sterling, VA fits the vast majority of descriptions.

It is not too late to get out of Calvary Temple. Here are my suggestions:

do not talk to "friends" about leaving (they will report you)
do not agree to meetings with leadership (it only makes it worse)
do not hope things will change (they won't)
do not hesitate, just go

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

He Said That? Part 5

We are approaching the long awaited court date for Kevin O'Connor (April 29- May 2). To refresh your memory, O'Connor is facing "seven sexual assault-related charges, including two counts of aggravated sexual battery by force, threat or intimidation on a victim 13 or 14 years old and one count of forcible sodomy." I have thought of and prayed for his (alleged) victim many times in the past months. I know this has been a very difficult time for this young woman and I hope she will receive justice from the Loudoun County Courts. She will never recover the lost years of her youth and the years following of painful memories and consequences, but I pray she will be somewhat comforted by telling her story and receiving vindication.

Though the upcoming trial is not about Calvary Temple, O'Connor was a deacon and is a long time member of the church. There is an ongoing investigation of Calvary Temple and a number of its members by the Loudoun County Sheriff's Department (assisted by the Virginia State Police) due to allegations of child sexual abuse.

In the meantime, I checked in with the Calvary Temple website and listened to a few of Star Scott's recent messages to his congregation. I was curious what he might be saying to his followers as they prepare to once again be in the public spotlight. Star Scott continues to shock those of us who have left Calvary Temple. I would venture to guess that even his own people may have been unsettled by some of his recent remarks. Though these particular remarks are not about the upcoming court case, they warrant some attention.

On January 27, 2019 Star Scott gave a message concerning prayer and the need to pray continually and fervently for the sick. In the church I attend, the pastor also speaks of prayer and gives us biblical illustrations of men and women of God that prayed fervently. But the following example given by Star Scott was unlike anything I have ever heard.

"The first thing I do [when he wakes in the morning] is begin to pray, I begin to pray for 'A' my mind between wake and sleep in my mind as I woke up and as I begin to intercede for [her] in my mind this is going on, I'm not saying it's a vision, I'm just saying these are things I force myself to do, I imagine these things....and I can't go into the whole story, but on this last time, and I, I remember in this time and I called 'J' and I said, said make, with all of the the...., the modesty you can, but take a picture of A, right now, and expose as much as modesty will allow, and in my mind I see it, put in the newspaper, before and after, the recreation of that which has been lost to cancer...."

Within weeks after these statements, 'A', sadly, passed away.

When I heard these comments made by Scott, I felt a myriad of emotions and responses. Anger. Nausea. Shock. Disbelief. Sadness. And especially I hoped and prayed that 'J' did not take a photo of his precious wife in the days just before her death. I hope, if 'A' was able, that she told her husband in no uncertain terms - NO WAY. I hope ''J" felt disbelief that another man would want to see his wife in her final days, "expose[d] as much as modesty will allow", and would then want to publish her photo in the newspaper.

What kind of man lies in bed in the early morning hours forcing himself to think of a dying woman, her body exposed "as much as modesty allows"? What does that even mean? Who thinks of these things? Imagining a dying woman in the final days of her life, exposed to a camera, is shameful. Even perverse. Scott cannot claim that this was a word from the Lord, he clearly said it was not. No, he said he FORCED himself to think of this, to IMAGINE this.

And WHY would Star Scott even utter these words to his followers? Perhaps because he himself cannot see the violation of human dignity resulting from such a request. He can't see it because I believe he is depraved. And he has another agenda. In those early waking hours what is he really thinking about? How to impress the public and rescue his own reputation? (not possible, Calvary Temple and Star Scott have had a "reputation" for many years and it has never been good.) As someone recently commented, "Star Scott has a PR problem". What better way to solve some of that problem then with the merchandising of God's work. This is nothing more than the exploitation of a woman and her family in the most difficult time of their lives. Because it's all about Star Scott, his reputation, and his kingdom.  

This was not about faith in the healing power of God. This was about Star Scott promoting himself to his congregation and to the surrounding community. Scott seized an opportunity to capitalize on another person's suffering in order to appear radically spiritual in front of his followers. Instead, he came across as self-serving and heartless, among other things.

Thinking about 'A' and 'J's family, I was reluctant to write about this. But Star Scott publicly spoke it in a meeting as well as put it on the public website. My hope is someone in Calvary Temple will give it some thought. This is their pastor, the man they seem to revere above all others. Can they see how offensive this is? I will remind the readers of the scripture Scott quotes often:  "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."

In an upcoming post, I will comment on a few more of the detestable statements of Star R. Scott. Statements he recently published on a public website for all the world to hear and think about. I'm certainly thinking about them and I hope his followers do the same.