It has been too many years, too many delays, too many coverups (by the leadership and membership of Calvary Temple in Sterling, Virginia), and much too much freedom for degenerate Kevin O'Connor. Nearly 18 years have passed since rapist O'Connor changed the life of one young child forever. But due to the bravery and resolve of the victim, this disgusting piece of crap was finally sentenced. For these crimes, he should be in jail for the rest of his life. But on December 17, 2020, the twisted deviant known as Kevin O'Connor had HIS life changed forever. He will now publicly be known as a perpetrator of the most heinous of crimes - stealing the innocence of a trusting and defenseless little girl. He can now take his place among other lowlife predators on the National Sex Offender Registry. He is a convicted sexual child abuser. He is on strict probation for a year and has to attend classes for sex offenders. "Guilty" is on his permanent record. It is not nearly enough punishment, but nothing could be. When this odious creep steps into eternity, the real justice will begin.
Throughout the years (at Calvary Temple) there have been teachings about honoring your parents. However, the practice at Calvary has been to shun your parents if they leave or disagree with CT. If you are to honor your parents, why are you instructed to curse them? It is because of the subtle twisting of the 5th commandment of God done by Star Scott.
According to your pastor, the 5th commandment is changed from this:
"Honor your father and mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12."
to this:
Honor your father and mother in the Lord, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
Here it is in Star Scott's own words - (the creation of a new "scripture"):
"Did you know the one (commandment) that Paul speaks about in the epistles in the New Testament says that you're to honor your father and mother in the Lord, and it's the first commandment with promise" (I am that I am pt 4 November 2008).
Do you see the problem? He has misquoted and changed the meaning of Exodus 20:12 by combining it with Ephesians 6:1.
Honor your father and mother (Ex 20:12) plus
Obey your parents in the Lordfor this is right. (Eph 6:1)
Now becomes: Honor your father and mother in the Lord.
However, the 5th commandment is not speaking to the actions of the father or mother, it is speaking to the actions of the son or daughter.
We are to honor our parents. Period. Please read and understand the following verses. God speaks directly to children dishonoring their parents - as you are doing.
Matthew 15: 3- 9 Why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? For God said, "Honor your father and mother" and "Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death". But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is 'devoted to God,' they are not to 'honor their father or mother' with it. Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition. You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: These people honor me with their lips but their hearts are from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules. Ezekiel 21:17 He that curses father or mother, let him die the death.
Ephesians 6:1 speaks of obeying your parents in the Lord and Ephesians 6:2 speaks of honoring your parents - two different commands to children.
Honoring your parents is to be done whether or not they are "in the Lord". Therefore, "in the Lord" is not part of Ephesians 6:2 or Exodus 20:12.
But obeying them is limited if their instruction is not consistent with scripture (or, in the Lord) as stated in Ephesians 6:1.
You have been taught to dishonor your parents and to disobey a clear biblical commandment.
Joey Simoneau, Sarah Foster, Jon Fitch, Sarah Kain, Joshua Fitch, Christina Konczal, and Wendy Perozich:
...if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Revelation 22:19
These past months have been very stressful as we face a battle against a wicked enemy, Covid 19. In some ways it can be likened to a war-zone, though we are fighting against an enemy we cannot see. As the days pass, we hope and pray for a return to normal.
But there is another war-zone many of us have been in much longer; the fight to to see our families and friends set free from the wicked grasp of Calvary Temple. This battle is not invisible and we cannot take a pill or a vaccine to bring healing. We are not sure if there will ever be a return to normal.
Most of us have families that we can walk with and lean on during these difficult days of "sheltering at home". But what of those that have had their families ripped from them by Calvary Temple and itsleadership? They no longer have part or all of their families to comfort them during this pandemic. Many have had their lives destroyed by Star Scott and his followers. Emotional distress. Psychological torment. Physical and sexual abuse. Entire families ripped apart.
Parents who have not seen their daughter in many years and have never met their grandchildren. They have NO contact with them. And yet Star Scott blames them for dividing their own family.
A husband and wife that have not seen their son in 10 years and have never met their two grandchildren. And yet Star Scott blames them.
A young man who has had to legally fight to see his children and rarely sees his parents. And yet Star Scott blames him.
A mother and father that lost 4 children and 7 grandchildren to a lie. A lie that they are responsible for losing their children, that they are at fault.
Ahusband who lost his wife at the direction of CT leadership. And he is blamed.
A young man that was so emotionally battered by Star Scott and his evil cohorts - that to this day is still working to rebuild his life. But he is told he was at fault.
A woman who has lost her daughter and has a grandchild on its way that she may never meet. Yet she is to blame.
A daughter who has lost her parents and sisters. She has been condemned by the pastors and her own parents to hell.
A young woman who lost more than can be counted at the hands of those she trusted.
Two children (now adults) who have publicly denounced Star Scott for the sexual abuse they endured. Scott blamed the children.
I can look back through the years and name countless other families that suffered great loss at the hand of Star Scott and yet he says THEY are at fault.Every single one.
Their "sin" is they either left Calvary Temple (for any number of reasons) or they disagreed with, criticized, or asked too many questions about Star Scott. Leaving his kingdom (or being forced out) is the unpardonable sin; your punishment is loss of friends and families.
According to Star Scott, everyone who leaves is in the wrong and Scott is the only one who is right. It has been said repeatedly from the pulpit of CT that there is NEVER a good reason to leave, and if you do, your life will be destroyed.
And here is a very sad thing - most of us KNEW it would happen if we left. It's why many of us stayed for so long. And those inside Calvary Temple know it also. So they stay. But if you do leave Calvary Temple, Star Scott will make sure that you lose everything and he will say it is YOUR fault.
Having attended Calvary Temple, I am well aware that what is spoken from the pulpit often has a double or hidden message. Star Scott is skilled at "preaching" the word of God, using lots of Biblical verses and spiritual sounding phrases, but all the while putting forth another message that will cause the listeners to hear and absorb something very different.
Consider the following excerpt from the blog post entitled He Said That? Pt 2 "I asked Greer this morning, "How would you summarize the message of the last six months? What have you heard over the last six months of our teachings? She thought for a minute, she said", "women are evil....I know that's how a woman is hearing it." (Ezra and Nehemiah Dec 2008) Women are evil..........Scott never once said those words or anything like it yet Greer rightly said that this is what women (and you can be sure the men also) heard.
As many of us sadly know, it has long been the practice of Calvary Temple members to cut off or greatly diminish any relationship with friends or family that have either left or do not attend CT. But ask any member if they have been told to shun their friends and loved ones; they will deny it. They will insist that any such actions are entirely their own decision. Sadly, many actually believe this to be true; certain that they are in charge of their own lives. But this is far from the truth. In actuality, Scott uses the pulpit to divide his followers from their families and friends with a cunning double message.
A "teaching" from October 30, 2019 called Achieving Nothingness Part 3 illustrates this verbal sleight of hand so familiar to many of us.
Can you find any compromise in your life over the last months? ...Are you standing up for the gospel on the job? Are you afraid of losing your job,.....friends? What about family? We’ve got family members and we’re going to hang out with them on Thanksgiving and we wanna show them we love them, and some of these people are flat out just sinners and railers and yet we compromise that somehow we are going to love them into the kingdom. No, no, no, no you're not! praise God. You are going to do what God says and HE will cause those to be added such as should be saved. Where is our boldness? Where is our desire for purity of application of the word of God?
(Before I continue, what is the difference between a "flat out sinner and railer" and just a regular sinner? Would it be ok if we hung out with a plain old everyday sinner but just not with a "flat out sinner and railer?")
On the surface, Scott does not appear to say anything that would directly forbid members from spending time with family and friends outside of Calvary Temple. But notice the seeds he plants; he talks about compromising the gospel and implies they are disobedient if they don't "do what God says...". He repeats the word "compromise" in the context of wanting to "love them into the kingdom". He implies that they are bold and purely applying the word of God if they do not "hang out" with non-Calvary family on Thanksgiving. And he states that God does not use believers to draw loved ones into the kingdom.
He further emphasizes these thoughts with the following:
And I’ve stood and I’ve watched us as a people, at decisions that we make that are so worldly and carnal, that are not biblical decisions, they are cultural, nationalism, American, oh God we need to come out from among them and be separate. (so being with family members is actually cultural, nationalistic and American but not Christ-like or biblical.) How many times have we heard Star Scott or the other pastors use phrases like the following:
Why would you want to hang out with God-hater?
Why would you spend time with God-hating family when you can be ministering to the body?
Those that have left here are railers and dividers. They are reprobate.
We are handling things - stay away from those who have left, we know more than you do.
Those that do not attend CT do not get to enjoy the privilege of taking part in weddings, graduations or field trips.
Anyone who leaves Calvary Temple is backslidden.
Calvary Temple members that sacrifice their families are pleasing to God.
The conclusion? If you have a family member or friend that has left Calvary Temple and you think you can still love them and perhaps draw them to Christ, you are full of compromise, disobedience, and carnality. You have no desire for the pure word of God and you are not a bold believer. You are not separate from the world. But if you reject these same family members and friends, you are obeying God.
Those of us who attended Calvary Temple know the scriptures Scott would use to support his message of shunning. (do not be unequally yoked, bad company corrupts good morals, don't even eat with such a one, be ye separate.....).
But though Jesus surrounded Himself with faithful men, He often shared His love with others, whether believers or not. Matthew 11:19 “The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Behold, a gluttonous man and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ Yet wisdom is vindicated by her deeds.” Luke 5:29-32, "And Levi gave a big reception for Him in his house; and there was a great crowd of tax-gatherers and other people who were reclining at the table with them. 30 And the Pharisees and their scribes began grumbling at His disciples, saying, 'Why do you eat and drink with the tax-gatherers and sinners?' 31 And Jesus answered and said to them, 'It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick. 32 I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.'”
Convincing Calvary Temple members to shun ALL who have left Calvary Temple depends on Star Scott's ability to group everyone into one God-hating, unsaved, reprobate, non-Christian category. Whether they are or aren't. It is relatively easy for Star Scott to convince members to stay away from the "unbelievers"; but he has to work a little harder to convince them to stay away from professed Christians. How does he accomplish it? It's actually not that hard, just label everyone who has left without permission of leadership as "rebellious." "Out of order. " "Disobedient." "Wayward." Therefore, they need to repent to the pastors before they can be in "right standing". And the confession is never really enough to restore relationships. As some have been told, they just weren't sorry enough. Their crime? They refuse to attend a church that has pastors and members known to be sexual abusers as well as physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychologically abusive. So leaving Calvary Temple, for any reason, brings about the same consequence. You are to be avoided. Period. And CT'er, if you find yourself searching for an exception (of which there are a few), you are deceiving yourself. And all of this brings up the question - Why? Why is it so important to keep members away from non-Calvary family and past friends? Because they know the truth about Star Scott, Ron Zarou, Dan Konczal, Forbe Carlson, Kevin O'Connor, Kimberly Heglund, other pastors and deacons and many members. Those who committed the atrocities and those who covered them up. Those who lied and those who kept silent.
The former deacon of a Sterling church accused of molesting two teen girls 17 years ago will get his day in court this summer.
Kevin O’Connor, the 64-year-old former deacon of Calvary Temple Ministries in Sterling, was indicted in August, 2018, in a 2003 case involving allegations of sexual abuse against two children. This week, his trial was rescheduled for June 8-11.
O’Connor is charged with forcible sodomy; two counts of aggravated sexual battery by force, threat or intimidation of victims aged 13 or 14; two counts of indecent liberties with a child by custodian; and two counts of aggravated sexual battery by mental incapacity or physical helplessness.
O’Connor’s trial was scheduled for Jan. 6-9 but was delayed after the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office on Dec. 17 requested the court appoint a special prosecutor, since Attorney Matthew P. Snow formerly represented one of the essential witnesses in the case. Under Circuit Court Judge Jeanette A. Irby’s Jan. 9 order, Scott Hook, the Commonwealth’s Attorney for Fauquier County, will now prosecute the case. Snow has since joined the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office as the department’s chief deputy.
Between April 1 and May 3, 2003, O’Connor allegedly sexually abused two girls aged between 13 and 15 years old. The case was initially reported to the Sheriff’s Office in May 2003, but prosecutors declined to pursue charges at that time. The Sheriff’s Office began re-examining the case in 2012 and arrested O’Connor on Aug. 6, 2018.
O’Connor was initially held without bond. On Aug. 21, 2018, Irby approved O’Connor’s released from jail on a $10,000 secured bond and required him to wear a GPS monitoring device and have no unsupervised contact with minors, among other terms.
Some former Calvary Temple congregation members have claimed that numerous incidents of physical and sexual abuse have occurred at the church. Those critics have described the church as cult-like in its manipulation and control of members and their families.
The trial of Kevin O’Conner (for six counts of child abuse and molestation) previously scheduled for January 6, 2020, has been once again postponed. The current reason given involves a "conflict of interest" within the Virginia Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office. According to the docket, the new trial date should be set on 1/14/20. We will keep you updated.